Dharampal, Ayodhya and Victimhood By Rajni Bakshi

The Bitter Fruit of Victimhood  Rajni Bakshi  https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/dharampal-birth-centenary-celebrations-7558993  October 9, 2021 . Click here for text

For ease of reading, we have divided the same article into the following sections and invited a discussion on each of the sub-topics. 

Peoples' Science Dharampal was a scholar and archivist who made a seminal contribution to highlighting the strengths of indigenous knowledge systems in pre-colonial, pre-modern India.  http://emeets.lnwr.in/index.php/dharampal-ayodhya-victimhood-by-rajni-bakshi/208-dharampal-peoples-science 

Ayodhya : If Dharampal’s centenary celebrations are to be truthful and futuristic then the implications of his position on the 1992 demolition in Ayodhya must be acknowledged and addressed http://emeets.lnwr.in/index.php/dharampal-ayodhya-victimhood-by-rajni-bakshi/213-dharampal-his-views-on-ayodhya

Victimhood The key issue here is not Hindu-Muslim relations but the increasingly bitter Hindu vs. Hindutva divide and the dangers of any politics that is anchored in an unresolvable sense of victimhood. http://emeets.lnwr.in/index.php/dharampal-ayodhya-victimhood-by-rajni-bakshi/214-the-fruits-of-victimhood 

Indianisation Three areas of potential opportunity.  Defencing syncretic culture, anti coloniser approach v/s anti colonisation approach and lok vidya http://emeets.lnwr.in/index.php/dharampal-ayodhya-victimhood-by-rajni-bakshi/211-dharampal-and-indianization

Samaj: The future of India as an open and civil society, a sabhya samaj – one in which inherent or imported flaws and inequities can be tirelessly worked upon. Being Patriotic in this sense is a struggle for swa-raj, self-rule, as in true command over one’s self, one’s passions – in ways that frees us from our insecurities and anxieties. http://emeets.lnwr.in/index.php/dharampal-ayodhya-victimhood-by-rajni-bakshi/212-sawraj-sabhya-samaj